Therefore, the argument is that it's fair for these individuals to pay higher insurance premiums, aligning with the insurance principle of 'higher risk, higher premium.
As Dr Tromer notes, by being able to monitor this, " I can show personalised ads based on your viewing habits, adjust your insurance premiums or send in the Spanish Inquisition" .
In conclusion, while there is a logical appeal to the idea of linking healthcare insurance premiums to lifestyle choices, its practical implications raise substantial ethical and fairness concerns.
Now, it's true that the new health care reform law gives states and the federal government tools to push back on health insurance premium increases that are not warranted.
Last week, the New York District Court ruled that former US President Donald Trump had long been inflating the value of his assets to obtain benefits on bank loans, insurance premiums, and tax.
But if the system doesn't have enough healthy people to balance the costs, it might wind up in this vicious cycle where insurance premiums just get more and more expensive.